Building A Brand That Sells Itself: Sales & Launch Tactics for Small Brands
Last I checked, you didn’t start a brand. Just to sit on it.
In fact, you’ve got big ideas and offers that you want to get people’s attention.
But – that’s wayyy easier said than done.
Whether you are launching or promoting a digital product, a free resource, course, workshop, membership, or offer – you’ve got be pretty strategic to make some noise.
Between my own brand and the brands I manage, I’ve been behind the scenes for a handful of launches this year, both big and small.
From a brand & website launch that created 100 subscribers & 20 waitlist members without even having a lead magnet.
To a course launch that was a year in the making & totally flopped (which happens more than the IG accounts you look up to online will probably admit).
We’re about to enter the last quarter of the year, the quarter when most of us (after a slow summer) are trying to lean in to hit our yearly income goals and make a splash in our industries.
So, how do you cut through the noise of the Holiday sales season and a million launches and actually make some sales yourself?
Time is both the bff and the worst enemy of your sales cycle. There is a lot to consider when it comes to time. Starting now – you want to give yourself enough time to sell. One thing I have noticed a major shift in within the last couple of years is the length of people’s pre-launch periods. Remember the course launch I mentioned?
One of the fundamental things that prevented the launch’s success was the prelaunch period. The sooner you start talking about something, testing ideas, messaging, and getting beta testers, the better.
Start mentioning the offer or launch you are working on sooner rather than later. Talk to your audience about it and get their input, even when it is just an idea.
Create a waitlist & open that shit up way in advance.
The days of the 7-day open cart are over.
People need to be reminded about what you are offering more times than you think.
Just because you see an established brand in your space launching something overnight that seems like an overnight success doesn’t mean it is.
A. Been talking about that offer for a long time and priming their audience in advance
B. Launched that offer before
C. Probably both ↑
The closer we get to the Holidays, the more time you need to allocate to your announcements and launch periods.
But it’s not just how much time you give your launch—its effectiveness will also depend on what your audience’s time looks like.
How busy is your audience when you launch? What do they really need at this point in their year/life? It might not be that they aren’t interested—it just might not be the right time.
This is where audience listening, testing, and launching offers more than once can come in handy. Just because they didn’t pull the trigger doesn’t mean they weren’t listening.
They might just:
The second thing that will affect whether or not you are making sales is Clarity.
You could do all of the above right, but even if people understand what you are talking about/selling, you still won’t see sales.
Your offer/service needs to be clear to your audience.
It’s probably already clear to you.
You know what you have to offer, the value, and why it is perfect for them.
But they don’t.
More importantly, you need to say all of ↑ that ↑ in words and phrases that your audience understands and resonates with.
This is yet another place where audience listening and understanding (plus your copywriting skills) are super important (way more important than the colors you use or the logo on your sales email).
What is the hook? What can you promise? Who is the one person for whom this offer is perfect?
These are the make-or-break moments that create the clarity that people need to buy from you.
Last but certainly not least is Audience Temp.
The best way I can think of to explain this really shows my “eldest sister” side.
If you have ever given a baby a bath, you have checked the temp of the water first.
Maybe you had a cute little rubber ducky thermometer.
You’ve got to get the water warm enough – before you put the baby in the bath.
Your audience needs to be warm enough – before you launch something.
The time you have taken to discuss your offer and how clear people are about what you do are part of what warms them up. But it’s not all of it.
Remember that the website & brand launch I mentioned that got 100 newsletter subscribers & 20 waitlist members (while the site was still under construction). The success of that brand’s launch (because it was a brand new brand & site) 150% came down to audience temp.
The brand’s founder already had a community on Facebook & Instagram where she had regularly added value.
Her audience already trusted her and wanted to support her as soon as she announced her brand and offer, which resulted in many initial conversions.
Having a cold audience means the people you’re trying to reach with your marketing or content are unfamiliar with your brand, products, or services. They haven’t had previous interactions with your business and aren’t aware of what you offer.
In the context of marketing and brand building, a cold audience typically:
On the day-to-day, it probably looks like this:
There is a disconnect between what you are trying to do and how your audience is responding.
But that doesn’t mean you are SOL.
A cold audience is an opportunity for your brand.
Gradually warm them up to your brand before attempting to sell to them directly.
Q4 might not be the right time to sell (especially on social).
Q4 might be a better time to work on nurturing your audience, adding value, and engaging with new people online.
Here are some strategies that could be a good fit for your brand when you need to sell to an audience that is still warming up to you and your brand.